Day 1
- Welcome Let’s Talk TAUD | Nick Newman, Executive Director [TAUD]
- Cybersecurity & Utilities – Prepare for a Breach | David Money [TAUD]
- Common HR Practices & the Difficulty It May Bring | Leah Butler [FUD]; Maggie Panter [HUD]; Melinda Willoughby [DUD]
Day 2
- Internal Controls | Justin Garcia [Comptroller of the Treasury]
- Commissioner Terms and Vacancies | Don Scholes [TAUD]
- Q&A with TAUD’s General Counsel | Don Scholes [TAUD]
Day 1
- TAUD Affinity Partners, Working for You | Steve Copland [Cumberland Insurance Agency]
- TAUD Affinity Partners, Working for You | Bill Eller [ServLine by HomeServe]
- Lead and Copper Update | David Money [TAUD]
- ARP Requirements: Post-Project Scorecard | Ethan Carter [TAUD] & Seth McCormick [TDEC]
Day 2
- Commissioner Terms and Vacancies | Don Scholes [TAUD]
- Tools to Continually Improve Your Utility | Jim Marshall & Sarah Chandler [Jackson Thorton]
- Commissioner Roles | Nick Newman [TAUD]
- The Key to Staying Out of the Hackers Crosshairs | Mike Sumner [Consolidated Utility District]
- How to Develop Customer Service Surveys that Impact External Communication | Brett McArdle [Consolidated Utility District]
- The 11-Minute Rule: How Customers Think & How Utilities Can Respond | Brett McArdle [Consolidated Utility District]
Day 3
- Public Meetings | Don Scholes [TAUD]
- ARP Projects, Milestones, and Program Updates | Vena Jones [TDEC]
- SRF Loans & Grants for Lead Service Line, Stormwater, Emerging Contaminants, & More | Vena Jones [TDEC]
- PFAS – Impacting Water and Wastewater
- Trenchless Rehab and Replacement
- Drinking Water Update
- Cellular AMI – Solving Challenges for Utilities
- Corrosion
- Secondary Clarifier Optimization
- Creating a Fats, Oils, & Grease Program
- Digital Approaches to improving Collection Assets
- Automated Water Testing System for Bacterial
- Pressure Monitoring Utilizing Cellular-Based Telemetry
- Why Measuring H2S in WW Matters and Portable Parallel Analyzer
- Automated Water Testing System for Bacteria
- Chemicals-GHS Safe Handling
- Operator Certification Exam
- Measurment of partially filled pipes in collection systems
- Water Main Leak Detection (File too large)
- Valves-Website Utilization
- Deciphering Disinfection
- Being THM compliant
- TDEC Update on WT and DS Issues
- Water Quality – Tanks and Tank Mixing
- High selectivity Ion Exchange Resin for PFAS Removal
- Media Upgrade at MLGW_s Water Production Plants
- Strategies to prevent and Reduce Water Loss
- Enhanced Anaerobic Fermentation for Biological Phosphorus Removal (File too large)
- Implementing Industrial Pretreatment
- Onsite Hypochlorite Generation
- TDEC Update on WW & CS Issues